Marie started working at NV Bekaert SA, at the insurance department, in 1985. Since then, she had a successful career in risk management, and she is still active in risk & insurance management today. It is very clear that this is her passion.

She was a former president of FERMA (the European risk management organization) as well as of BELRIM and she has been involved in the BELRIM prize since the start. The BELRIM Prize takes place every 2 years, synchronized with the FERMA forum. A biennial risk management meeting.

With the BELRIM Prize the scientific committee wants to find the student with the best thesis on risk management. The winner gets to go to the FERMA forum and will get in touch with the risk management world. It is a springboard to the professional risk management world, a huge network where the winner is thrown in. The fellow award winners are also introduced to each other there. BELRIM and FERMA are thus working to create a dynamic European network of promising young professionals, the high point of risk management.

As a jury, Marie is responsible for reading some of the works and rating them on a few fixed points. Content, presentation, depth, applicability in corporate environments, relevance today,… there are many elements that are important. During the final presentation of the nominees, she pays attention to the whole picture: the content of the thesis, but also how it is presented, the personal appearance, the relevance of the subject itself, the sources of information for the thesis, … Studies that are not only theoretical, but are also tested against real life through a survey, research, experiences in a company are certainly interesting. The goal of the BELRIM prize is to spread the importance of risk management into the world and among young risk professionals.  The BELRIM prize is therefore of utmost importance!

Thanks to Marie Gemma Dequae (LinkedIn)

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