
Too sunny, too cloudy, too rainy, freezing cold or boiling hot … where is that mild climate we seem to remember from years gone by?

BELRIM wants to shed some light on climate change, with a scientific approach and some practical examples.


14.00 h : Welcome Drink

14.30 h : Introduction by Gaëtan Lefèvre, CMI, et Nancy Janssens, AXA CS.

14.45 h : Scientific Issues of Climate Change (speaker to be confirmed)

15.15 h : Video and explanation by Dany Rasschaert, RM at DEME on the construction of an off-shore windmill park

15.45 h : the European Climate Foundation by Martin Porter

16.15 h : Parametric Insurance (Sébastien Piguet – Axa Parametrics)

16.45 h: Question time

17.00 h : Cocktail


Please REGISTER online .


salle One chez AXA Belgique, Bld du Souverain 25, Brussels

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