
In these hard times particular care should be given to our staff’s well-being.

Two experts in this field will share their knowledge and know-how with you.

Join us on 19 November 2020, from 16h30 till 18h00.

Helene Westerlind is currently the CEO of Zurich LiveWell, a unit dedicated to providing Health and Wellness services to Zurich customers. Helene holds a master’s degree in law with focus on insurance from the University of Stockholm, Sweden. She began her career with Zurich in 2003 and has held roles within claims and underwriting before moving into executive roles such as Head of Underwriting Services, Zurich Nordic, Head of Operations and Underwriting Services, Zurich Global Corporate in EMEA and most recently as the Global Head of International Programs for Zurich Commercial Insurance unit. Helene is a member of the Zurich Group Leadership team.

Ms. Westerlind is engaged and dedicated to D&I topics and a former President of the Board of Advance as well as Ambassador of WIN.

Other appointments

Ms. Westerlind is also a member of the board of ZLIC – Zurich Life Insurance Company.

Educational background

Ms. Westerlind holds a master’s degree in law with focus on insurance from the University of Stockholm, Sweden.


Wellbeing of staff needs to be of high priority for businesses as the links between wellness, employee engagement and financial success is becoming better defined. A healthy and engaged workforce takes less time off sick and works more efficiently – increasing top line revenues and decreasing bottom line expenses. As employers we need to address the multi-directional relationship  between mental-physical-social and financial health – they are interconnected and can not be looked at in a silo. How can we as employers provide the right support at the right time – being able to predict where individuals are on their individual career and life journey’s and pro-actively provide pre-empted support.


Marc Vande Gucht is an entrepreneur with +30 years of professional background offering strong general managing skills and business expertise in a global and changing world. A strategic and very hands-on person who has a track record in leading businesses, going from start-ups to transformations. Used to make things work and creating valuable impact through installing dynamics, transparency and trustworthy and performant teams. Passionate about creating drive and purpose driven teams. Both analytical and innovative with excellent empowering and communication skills in 3 languages.

Marc is independent consultant (but worked for BDO, Ausy, was MD of Grant Thornton Consulting Belgium). For more details: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yokaconsult/ Marc has been working in Paris, Amsterdam, Belgium, Norway. Started career in the insurance world (KBC).

Other appointments

Marc is co-founder and board-member of a Foundation called Go for happiness (www.gavoorgeluk.be), under the King Boudewijn Foundation. Marc launched 3 books about mental wellbeing: Downunder (2005), Alles blijft nazinderen (2019) and Collega in hoofd en hart (2020), Co-writer: Book about resilience (2018)

Educational background

Marc has a lifetime educational background: North West Uni (Michigan – media management), Inst for Accountants (postgrad 1 year), Solvay Bus School (market & advertising), self-tuition: broker insurances, Vlekho guest teacher postgraduate, IAPM (Project Man Ass.) and various MD roles in different economic segments


Wellbeing of staff and management is the top priority if companies focus on long term leadership. An excellent relation between management and staff is fundamental in what should be a safe, appreciating and supporting work environment.  Is your company in balance? Are you in balance? Is there a real team spirit with tremendous transparency? Do we really know what could increase wellbeing of staff? How do we support (as an employer) that every single person could grow and find his track? How do we prepare management to become real coaches, mentors instead of controllers?

More wellbeing is beneficial at every moment of life cycles (be it private or professional) and adds value to the greater picture: to the global world, to your country, to your company, to your network, to your private life, to your beloved ones. Are we fully aware as manager, but even so as staff, that we continuously could help and trust each other? It is just a way of seeing things: trust, empowering people and life time learning, together. And when you can see it, just say it and do it.

Adding value to increase resilience, to improve wellbeing, to bring at least light and hope to those who need if … it just became my main focus. I am looking at it as my purpose in life.






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