Obtaining full control of a company’s supply chain reinforces the continuity of the business. When we think about supply chain risk management, we typically reflect to business continuity plans of suppliers, dual sourcing buffer stocks, logistics, secondment, etc… In a quickly changing regulatory environment, where stakeholders question the origin of the materials or services, supply may be disrupted. This creates huge challenges for organizations. Being unable to demonstrate that your organization has a tangible management system in place to determine sustainability supply risks across the value chain, or, even worse, a crisis communication plan is absent when your company gets negative public attention, may seriously damage the company’s reputation. This exchange will focus on how to determine and manage supply chain risks, more particular with respect to regulatory elements (such as REACh, CLP, conflict minerals, EPR), social and other sustainability elements.Conference highlights include:

  • Lectures on different non-financial risks in the field of supply chain, focusing on environmental, health and safety, social and sustainability aspects (all having specific impacts on the business activities)
  • For Risk Professionals (risk and insurance mangers, SHEQ managers, Senior Executives and financial managers)
  • One of the monthly Risk Exchange activities of Belrim (Belgian Association of Risk Managers)
  • There is no charge, but places are limited
  • For all further information, please contact Alien De Deken on alien.dedeken@erm.com.


Federation of Enterprises in Belgium Ravensteinstraat 4 1000 Brussel

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