1. Who’s Who – New Members

BELRIM welcomes two new members and hereby introduces them to you.

Effective Member


Ministry of Defence – represented by Major Luc Smeets


Major (Air Force) Luc Smeets is working within the office of the Chief of Defence. As deputy of the director of staff, he handles all matters to improve the internal control maturity of the Belgian Defence.

His previous assignments within the Belgian Defence :

–         Flight commander of the Engine shop of the 2 Wing Tac in Florennes

–         Flight commander of the Flight in charge with the preventive maintenance of the F-16 aircraft of the 2 Wing Tac in Florennes

–         Program manager of the engine and start system of the F-16 in Evere

–         Belgian Country representative within the Multi-National Fighter Program F-16 in Oklahoma (USA)

–         Process and Financial manager of the sub section Helicopters in Evere

–         Squadron Leader of the Squadron Line and Armaments of the  2 Wing Tac in Florennes

–         System manager of the sub section Training Aircraft (Alpha Jet, Marchetti and Piper Cup) and Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Evere

–         Senior Auditor within the Internal Audit of the Belgian Defense in Evere

Luc has a master in engineering from the Royal Military Academy, a licentiate degree in Safety, Health and Environment from the UCL and is a Certified Internal Auditor.

BELRIM expectations

As underlined by INTOSAI “(…) Internal control is a dynamic integral process that is continuously adapting to the changes an organization is facing. Management and personnel at all levels have to be involved in this process to address risks and to provide reasonable assurance of the achievement of the entity’s mission and general objectives (…) Whatever the mission may be, its achievement will face all kinds of risks. The task of management is to identify and respond to these risks in order to maximize the likelihood of achieving the entity’s mission. (…)”. Being part of the Belgian Risk Management Association is a clear statement of the organization to use all means, resources, expertise available to fulfill the tasks related with risk assessment and risk management in order to provide the Chief of Defence with a reasonable assurance of the achievement of the mission and the general objectives


Affiliated Member

jan van rooy

Jan Van Rooy – Van Ameyde


Jan Van Rooy started his career in the Insurance industry, working for different international insurers in Belgium, for one of the Telecom operators and also for a service provider in insurance related matters (national and international missions).

He built up a large experience in managing Operational departments, focusing on quality of service improvements along with important efficiency gains.

Challenging missions in that area are the red line in his career: He calls himself more a “builder and organiser” then a functionary. As people are the corner stone of a well-functioning operation, open communication, clear job and role definition, well followed-up performance management and coaching are well known and practised skills. Process management, change management, project management, business development and business /budget planning have no secrets for him.
Always eager to learn, he is pleased to become a member of the BELRIM organisation, allowing him to benefit from all the present knowledge and experience and sharing his with all the colleague-members, including practising his “service” background.


If you wish to become a BELRIM member, visit our website: https://www.belrim.com/members/membership/


Next events

  • Sep. 03, 2024 Other Events

    CHUBB Risk Forum – Antwerp

  • Sep. 05, 2024 Belrim Events

    BELRIM/ZURICH Exchange -BELRIM Prize Ceremony & New Members Dinner